Year 6 Red Kites
Class teacher: Mr Moyse Teaching assistants: Miss Sokolwska and Mrs Briky
In the Red Kites class this half term there will be a real focus towards SATs, ensuring that all children are prepared and confident with what could arise in these assessments. Although this is a big focus, we are still hoping for the children to express themselves in lessons wherever possible.
At the start of the half term, all of Year 6 will be going on a Junior Citizens trip. The trip will give children an insight to real life scenarios and how to deal with them.
In Maths, the children will be working in smaller groups, all with a focus on revision for SATs. The children will also be recapping percentages before being introduced to the idea of algebra.
In Literacy, we will be looking at two different World War II texts, Rose Blanche and Carries war. We will look to create War themed poetry, alongside a narrative story using dialogue.
World War II will be a focus for our Topic work, looking at how the War started, the effect of the War on children as well as how the War ended.
In PE, we will be focussing on two different skills, golf and WWII dance. The golf topic will be during our outside PE session, which takes place on a Tuesday, and the dance session will be indoors, on Thursdays.
In Science, we will look at batteries and switches as well as experimenting with creating circuits.
In DT, the children will be creating their own tabletop playground structure using a variety of materials.