Year 5
Welcome to Woodpecker Class! Class teacher - Miss Smith Class teaching assistants - Mrs Tolley and Mrs Wyatt
Autumn Term
In Literacy this term, we will be exploring a short film called 'Ruin' by Wes Ball. The children will be asked to write a detailed setting description of the dystopian world shown in the film and a prequel to the film's plot. The texts we will be reading are 'Wonder' by R.J. Palacio and 'The Firework Maker's Daughter' by Phillip Pullman.
In Maths, we will be focusing on developing our understanding of multiplication and division, and completing a unit on fractions. The children will be learning how to compare and convert fractions, as well as add and subtract them.
Our topic for this half term is a geography focus where the children will seek to answer the question 'What is life like in the Alps?' They will be using their pre-existing knowledge of mountains and maps to locate the Alps and will work to identify the physical and human features of this mountainous region.
In Science, the children will be building on the work we completed last term to explore the properties of materials and how this links to their everyday uses. The children will be completing various experiments to determine a material's properties such as transparency and conductivity. We will also explore reversible and irreversible changes.
Our Art topic this term will require the children to explore installation art and evaluate an artists attempts to convey messages through 3D, interactive art displays.
In RE, the children will be exploring what is meant by 'rites of passage' within various faiths.
Our French topic entitled 'At the Tearoom' will give the children the opportunity to practise ordering food in a French restaurant!
In PSHE this term, the children are focusing on a unit of Health and Wellbeing which encourages them to practise mindful activities to promote health.
Our Computing topic will allow the children to try their hand at programming music using various computer programmes!
This term, our PE days will be Tuesday and Wednesday. On Tuesday, the children will be focusing on Dance. On Wednesday, we are swimming!