Year 4 Badgers

Welcome to Year 4 Badgers. Badgers Class Teacher: Miss Want Teaching Assistants: Miss Morris

Autumn Term:

In the Autumn term we have been learning about lots of different things:

Maths - The first part of the Autumn term will look at place value, addition & subtraction. Children will have the opportunity to explore these maths areas in a variety of ways so that their knowledge of number and number facts is secure enough that they can then apply this in other areas of maths. Autumn term 2 will move onto area, multiplication and division. Children will experience a range of different methods to work out answers as well as gaining experience with problem solving and reasoning.

Literacy - Year 4 will be looking at the book and film Varmints. As part of the unit children will produce a range of different types of writing including a diary entry, instructions, letters, setting descriptions and an explanation of a life cycle. The second part of the Autumn term will focus on a short film called Marshmallows. The unit will look at narrative openings, character description, non-chronological report and action sequences.

Science - Children will be learning about digestion and food and electricity and circuits. In both units children will have the opportunity to carry our practical investigations to help to deepen their understanding.

RE - As part of the primary RE curriculum children will gain knowledge in the following areas: Do Murtis help Hindus understand God? Does the Christmas narrative need Mary? In both units children have the chance to discuss their thoughts and view points.


PE - The Autumn term will start off with problem solving where children will learn how to work as a team to undertake and complete a challenge. Children will be encouraged to work as a team to discuss how a specific challenge could be approached, taking into accounts everyone's ideas and views. Throughout the challenge children will be able to review what they are doing and adapt and make changes to be successful.  Other units of PE this term will include Game, sense and invasion, gymnastics and hockey where children will be able to further develop skills specific to each sport.

French - This term will focus on French phrases and words to include the phrase 'I am able to ....' and identifying French words for fruits and vegetables. Children will have the opportunity to build on common everyday vocabulary and to gain confidence in their French speaking skills.

Geography - The first geography topic in year 4 will focus on Where does our food come from? Children will explore fair trade, where foods come from, how foods are transported across the world and also the positives and negatives of buying local or imported foods.

History - How have children's lives changed will be the focus of our history topic. Looking at different parts of history children will be able to compare differences and similarities between children's lives in roman, tudor and Victorian times compared to the present day.

Art - Children will look at a range of skills including 3D pencil drawings, proportion, planning a composition for a mixed-media drawing, shading techniques to create pattern and contrast and finally working collaboratively to develop drawings into prints.

DT - Our first DT topic of the year will look at structures. This will include exploring frame structures, designing a pavilion and making a pavilion frame out of different materials.

PSHE - The Autumn term will see a focus on family and relationships and health and wellbeing. Children will explore and discuss a range of topics, developing their understanding that everyone has the right to express their own ideas and opinions and that they should always respect them.


Other information:

PE days - Monday and Fridays.

Reading books and reading diaries - please make sure these come into school every day.

Water bottles and a healthy snack -  should be brought into school everyday

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