Year 2 - Goldfinches
Year 2 Goldfinches 24-25 Teacher - Mrs Edge TA - Mrs Leach HLTA - Mrs Pearce
During the Autumn term we will looking at a range of texts in Literacy including: Little Red, The Journey Home, Wolves and Dear Earth. We will use these texts to retell stories from another point of view, write a postcard, create a non-chronological report and write a persuasive leaflet. During the Autumn term we will looking at a range of texts in Literacy including: Little Red, The Journey Home, Wolves and Dear Earth. We will use these texts to retell stories from another point of view, write a postcard, create a non-chronological report and write a persuasive leaflet.
The Spring term will involve us using another range of texts including: The Bear Under The Stairs, The Bear and the Piano and Grandad's Camper. We will be writing instructions, creating a short news report and looking at a range of poetry and a recount.
Then in the Summer our Literacy texts will include: The Dragon Machine, Ocean Meets the Sky, The Great Fire of London and Izzy and the Cloud. We will be writing instructions, warning posters, poetry, and do some retelling.
In Maths we will be learning a lot of things and using practical resources and problem solving skills. Our Maths units for Autumn are: Numbers 10 to 100, Calculations Within 20, Fluently add and subtract within 10, addition and subtraction of two=digit numbers and an Introduction to multiplication.
Spring term units are: introduction to multiplication, introduction to division structures, shape and addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers.
Summer units are: money, time, fractions, position and direction, multiplication and division (doubling and halving) quotative and partitive division, sense of measure (capacity, volume and mass)
Our Topics this school year are: Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold place? How was school different in the past? Why is our world wonderful, How did we learn to fly, What was it like to live by the coast ? and what is a monarch?
In Science we will be learning about: Habitats, Microhabitats, Uses of everyday materials, life cycles and health, plant growth and plant-based materials.
We will be going on a school trip in April to support our Science learning (more details will follow in the new year)
In PE & RE we will be looking at a number of different religious beliefs and their practises. We will laos look at families, health and well being and citizenship. In the Spring term we look at the changing body.
PE will be on a Tuesday and a Friday and we will be learning about using our bodies and rules for a number of sporting activities.
We will aim to hear each child read at least once in a two week period and the children will have opportunities to bring a number of books home to read with adults or siblings.