Year 1 - Stoats

Stoats Class.
Class Teacher: Miss Prewer
Teaching Assistants: Miss Cooney and Miss Young.

Autumn term:
Our literacy this term will include story retelling, writing letters and story innovation. We will use the text 'I Want My Hat Back' to learn the key features of letter writing and to retell a familiar story. After becoming familiar with the repetition of the story 'Oi Frog', we will be writing our own version of the story.
In maths, we will be focusing on addition and subtraction within 10. We will be looking at the relationships between numbers and focusing particularly on our number bonds/recall of number facts. We will also be learning about 2D and 3D shapes.
Our Geography focus will be 'What's it like here?' which will involve us locating where we live on an aerial photograph and recognising features within a local context. We will create maps using classroom objects before drawing simple maps of the school grounds.
In science, we are exploring the seasons and the weather changes within them. We will explore how seasonal changes affect trees, daylight hours and clothing choices. We will also carry out our own weather reports, considering the knowledge required for this job.
In RE, we will be learning about Christmas and Harvest and looking how both festivals are celebrated by different religions.
Our artwork focuses on working and experimenting with different materials through observational and collaborative pieces.
Using an unplugged approach, we will be exploring algorithms, decomposition and debugging using familiar contexts, such as dressing up and making a sandwich, while learning why instructions need to be very specific.
PE will see us explore movement through dance and developing our ball skills.


Year 1 is predominantly taught by the class teacher Mrs Tolley,  with the support of Teaching Assistant Mrs Ames. 


Year 1 Spring Term 


Our Literacy this term looks at 4 texts:

-'The Odd Egg' by Emily Gravett

-'Beegu' by Alexis Deacon

-'Dinosaurs and all that rubbish' by Michael Foreman

-'The See Saw' by Tom Percival


We will be using these texts to create and write; non-fiction information pages, character descriptions, diary entries, letters of advice, informative leaflets and own versions of a narrative.  

In maths, we will be focusing on place value, addition and subtraction within 20. We will move onto place value within 50. We will also be exploring length and height and mass and volume. 

Our History topic is 'How toys have changed'. We will have a visitor come in to school to discuss the toys which they used to play with when they were younger and compare them to the toys we play with now. 


In Geography we will be exploring what the weather is like in the UK. 

In Science our topic in Spring 1 is 'Materials' and in Spring 2 is 'Plants'. 

In RE, we will be exploring Christian and Jewish beliefs about Creation. We will also be exploring the symbolism behind the 5 Ks, finding out why Sikhs choose to wear the 5 Ks and what differences the 5 Ks make to their lives. 

We will be linking our computing and DT lessons. We will be using plastic bottles to make our own Rockets, and we will be using iPads to plan, draw and record our learning.   


In Music we will be exploring dynamics and sound patterns. 


In Art we will be exploring all things colour. We will be investigating mixing of colours to create secondary colours. We will also take inspiration from Clarice Cliff's 'Circle Tree' plate design to create our own.


In RSE and PSHE our unit of work is based all around safety. 

Our PE days this term are on Monday's (indoor PE) and Friday's (outdoor PE). In indoor PE we will will be developing pupils’ ability to apply ‘champion gymnastics’ as they explore movements and balances on big and small body parts in wide, narrow and curled ways on the floor and on apparatus. In outdoor PE we will be working on pupil’s ability to accurately roll a ball towards a target.


During Spring term in Year 1 we will be going on a trip to the Oxford Science centre. 


In year 1 we encourage children to read their reading book from school at least 4 times at home a week to help develop confidence and fluency. Reading books are changed on Fridays, and we ask for parents to record their child's reading in their reading diaries, and for book bags and books to be brought into school each day. We also ask that parents work with their child at home to read and spell the Year 1 common exception words (Please see a list of these words attached). 

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