At Longfields Primary School, we aim to provide a relevant PSHE curriculum to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and prepare them for the opportunities and responsibilities of life.
These aims ensure that the curriculum enables pupils to develop the knowledge and understanding of their own and different beliefs. Pupils will be able to understand their rights and responsibilities and develop integrity and independence in building respect for their environments and communities. We aim to promote self-esteem and emotional development and to help our pupils to form and maintain satisfying relationships with family, peers and the larger community around them.
The, pupils at Longfields Primary School should learn to:
Additionally, there is specific legislation and requirements in relation to certain aspects of PSHE including, teaching and learning about sex and relationships, drugs and financial capability.
Our belief is that the PSHE and Citizenship curriculum should be tailored to meet the specific needs of each student, given that they will come from different backgrounds and will also encompass a range of age, abilities, cultures and experiences. As many of our students may be vulnerable, we will be particularly sensitive, empathetic and accommodating in our delivery of the programmes. Where appropriate aspects of PSHE will be taught as part of cross curricular learning.
From September 2020, primary schools in England are required to teach Relationships and Health Education as compulsory subjects and the Department of Education strongly recommend that schools should also include age appropriate Sex Education. In these lessons children learn about certain aspects of health such as healthy eating and about some harmful substances. They learn about how the body changes and how humans reproduce. The Guide for Parents on the RSE page provides some clear information about RSHE.