A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.

At Longfields Primary School, we recognise and celebrate PE (Physical Education) as an important subject within the curriculum and our aim is to provide an exciting and creative curriculum which provides every child with the skills, knowledge and motivation required to become physically literate, equipping them for a healthy and active lifestyle.


Evidence is clear that healthy and active pupils are effective learners and we recognise the importance of PE opportunities to the health and well-being of every child at Longfields.

  • To offer pupils opportunities to develop knowledge, skills, understanding, to remember, repeat and improve actions and to perform them with increasing control, co-ordination and fluency (acquiring and developing).
  • To develop an increasing ability to select, link and apply skills, tactics and compositional ideas (selecting and applying).
  • To improve observation skills and the ability to describe and make simple judgements on their own and others’ work, and to use their observations to improve performance (improving and evaluating).
  • To develop an understanding of the effects of exercise on the body, and an appreciation of the value of safe exercising (knowledge and understanding of fitness and health).
  • To develop the ability to work independently, and communicate with and respond positively towards others (working alone and with others).
  • To promote an understanding of safe practice, and develop a sense of responsibility towards their own and others’ safety and well-being (applying safety principles).
  • To encourage children of all abilities to take the opportunities to be involved in clubs and organisations with the aim of extending their interest and involvement in sport.

    • We follow the National Curriculum with an in house developed scheme of work.
    • PE is taught as a discrete subject, but will have cross-curricular links where possible (e.g. topic linked dance, gymnastics or fundamental movement skills).
    • The Head teacher and the PE Coordinators are committed to ensure that all pupils receive at least two hours of high quality PE per week delivered by confident and well trained teachers.
    • The PE Coordinators are responsible for overseeing the planning and monitoring of PE to ensure requirements are being fulfilled. Relevant units are made available to all staff and they are then expected to adapt and develop their programme of work to be taught in their class.
    • A range of strategies, resources and tasks are employed within each PE lesson to meet the needs of each child and help them to be able to express their emotions, develop confidence, a positive self-image and self-esteem through PE, as it is a subject that allows everyone to progress and achieve.
    • Regular staff training is provided for Teachers and Teaching Assistants to keep them abreast of new initiatives.
    • We are part of the North Oxfordshire School Sports Partnership (NOSSP) This consists of 51 schools across North Oxfordshire and offers a range of benefits from sporting competitions to specialist PE mentors to support us with the delivery of high quality PE and school sport.

      • We encourage children to talk about their own work and the work of others. This is used to develop and improve skill technique.
      • We encourage children to use both their own thoughts and feelings and video feedback to support development of skills and techniques.Teachers assess work through:
      • Observation of pupils at work
      • Discussions with pupils
      • Informal assessments, made by the class teacher are used to inform planning and develop differentiation for future lessons.
      • As a school, we have developed a set of progressive expectations for pupil achievement throughout their time at school. Pupils’ progress will be monitored and recorded by the individual class teacher to set realistic targets for the individual pupil, based on their strengths and weaknesses and in line with national guidance and our expectations.
      • Assessment and achievements are formally reported to parents through the school’s annual reporting process, indicating whether the individual is working in line with, above or below national expectations.
      • Extra-curricular Opportunities, Competitive Sport and Festivals

        Our extra-curricular programme compliments and supplements the range of activities covered in curriculum time. Both teachers and qualified coaches are used at some of these sessions, but a member of staff will always be present. The school strives to offer a variety of opportunities as additional extra-curricular opportunities, through lunchtime and after school clubs in sport above and beyond the curricular entitlement.

        From an early age competitive sport is also nurtured and encouraged with both KS1 and KS2. Children are regularly involved in intra school competitions. We hold regular intra school competitions and a separate Sports Day in which competition plays a key element, but participation is also recognised.

        As part of the NOSSP we participate in a wide range of inter school festivals, both competitive and non-competitive, from year 1 through to year 6. These include hockey, multi-skills, dance and athletics plus many more. They offer children the chance to participate against other schools and always promote the School Sports Values of Respect, Passion, Honesty, Teamwork and Self Belief.


        Our sporting commitment and achievements to delivering high quality PE lessons and sporting opportunities have been recognised with the school achieving the Gold School Games Award and the Gold Youth Sport Trust Quality Mark Award. We are particularly proud of these achievements, being one of only a few schools to achieve this standard in North Oxfordshire. We remain committed to PE and Sport and will continue to develop and improve the provision and opportunities available for our pupils.

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