Our Mfl curriculum aims to provide all pupils with a high quality introduction to learning French which engages and inspires children to develop a life-long love of language-learning, increases their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement.

Although Mfl does not become a compulsory part of the curriculum until Key Stage Two, we believe that even the youngest children can benefit from an early introduction to learning a foreign language. This is accomplished in a very low-key, non-pressured way such as taking the register in French, having French words displayed around the classroom and singing songs in French.

At Key Stage 2 children will follow the “Rigolo” scheme of work, delivered mainly by the class teacher, as well as exploring and beginning to understand French culture – for example, in Year 6 they will have an opportunity to learn about the Tour de France during the summer term. Songs in French are included in our regular weekly singing sessions.


As part of a broad and balanced curriculum we aim to give all our pupils, including the very youngest, the opportunity to undertake a balanced and age-appropriate programme of French-themed activities. Through these activities the children will:

  • Develop an enthusiastic and positive attitude to other languages and language learning;
  • Develop language skills and language learning skills;
  • Raise awareness of aspects of their own language and make comparisons with the foreign language, thereby enriching their understanding of both;
  • Become aware that language has a structure, and that this structure differs from one language to another;
  • Become increasingly familiar with the sounds and written form of a modern foreign language;
  • Gain enjoyment, pride and a sense of achievement.

    At Longfields Primary School we integrate language learning for Early Years and Key Stage One into everyday school life through songs and regular speaking activities – eg: taking the register in French.


    At Key Stage Two the programme of activities becomes more structured and children undertake a comprehensive variety of tasks to develop their language skills in:

    • Listening
    • Speaking
    • Reading
    • Writing
    • Intercultural understanding

      The main method of gathering evidence and assessing achievement in Mfl is through continuous teacher observation. These observations provide a basis for recording and reporting children’s achievements. This is an on-going process brought about by:

      • Observation of children working
      • Discussion with children before, during and after working
      • Looking at/marking children’s work

        Older pupils are encouraged to make judgements about how they can improve their own work.

        Work-samples of written activities are retained in a folder.

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