At Longfields, we aim to give our children a humanities curriculum which enables them to become confident, creative and independent learners who can explore the use of different knowledge and skills throughout topical learning. We seek to broaden children’s real-life experiences both inside and outside of school through educational visits, visitors, experimentation, exploration and discovery. Within lessons, our children acquire a range of knowledge and skills in both history and geography which they can then apply to other subjects and in a variety of situations. Furthermore, it is our aim that through historical and geographical learning, children will become accountable citizens, understanding their role in protecting our world and environment and knowing how they can cause positive change and development as they grow.
Through the teaching of Humanities we aim:
To help children understand the present in the context of the past, promoting their sense of chronology.
To encourage pupils to empathise with peoples of the past through role play, and to respect and celebrate differences.
To develop children’s historical enquiry skills through using and evaluating evidence, asking and answering questions.
To support them in working together to research topics, prepare arguments, organise events and present their findings in variety of ways.
To enrich other areas of the curriculum.
To help children make sense of their own surroundings through learning about their own locality and the interaction between people and environment
For children to develop an interest in the wonder of the world, including an appreciation of ethnic, cultural and economic diversity.
To develop the geographical skills necessary to carry out effective geographical enquiry.
To develop a sense of responsibility towards the environment and an understanding of the human impact on the natural world.
To enrich and support other areas of the curriculum.
Geography and history is taught following the National Curriculum. Across the course of a year, each year group studies a variety of history and geography topics that enable all learning objectives and key skills to be taught by the end of each key stage. Each topic is planned to try and incorporate writing, art and design and technology where possible. Making links between subjects give children a broad base of knowledge, facts, vocabulary, real-life experience and contexts to use for learning.
It is important that children are assessed throughout their history and geography topics so that children’s learning can be moved on appropriately but at the same time providing the correct level of support and challenge.
Assessment of the children’s work, skills and knowledge will be made using: