We, at Longfields Primary School and Nursery, believe that all pupils, regardless of ability, race or gender, should be encouraged and helped to realise their full potential in Maths. We want the children to see Mathematics as being relevant to their world and applicable to everyday life as well as being something that they will need as they move on through their school life and ultimately to the world of employment. To that end, a high-quality, inter-related and creative Maths experience should be one that develops the children's ability to think mathematically and one which allows them to apply the tools to which they have been exposed in a variety of ways.
At Longfields Primary School and Nursery we place a strong emphasis on teaching Mathematical skills and concepts in concrete and practical contexts. Teachers use models and practical activities which then enable the children to use and apply skills as well as developing their knowledge and understanding. This is all achieved by using and aiming for the following objectives-
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Mathematics at Longfields is implemented by following the National Curriculum guidelines. This is delivered by clearly planned progressive lessons that are supported by concepts and resources from a variety of places such as the White Rose Research Group. Each area of the school implements the teaching in age and ability appropriate lessons-
Nursery: Maths is taught through all areas of play and as small guided group sessions.
Reception: Maths is taught through a mixture of whole class activities and guided maths sessions. Maths games are played across the phase and there are mathematical opportunities offered daily throughout the learning environment, both inside and outdoors.
Year 1-6: There are daily maths sessions which are taught through a mixture of small group and whole class activities. There is a strong emphasis on the teaching of basic mathematical knowledge and understanding (times tables, calculation methods etc. Where appropriate maths will be linked to other areas of the curriculum.
Teachers will continuously assess the children informally (formative assessment) through their marking and interactions with the pupils during lessons. They then complete an 'objective assessment' record on an ongoing basis. These are reviewed as part of our Whole School Pupil Progress Procedures. Across a range of lessons children engage in mathematical discussion (talk partner or group work), investigations, problem solving, practical experiences and written methods, as well as allowing for time to demonstrate their understanding through specific tasks. In EYFS children's attainment and progress is tracked on a daily and weekly basis.