Welcome to our Governor Section
The Governing Body is the strategic decision making body of the school. Its role is to:
- set the schools overall strategic direction, and to then work with leaders to communicate this vision, ethos and strategic direction to the whole school community and develop a culture of ambition;
- provide a balance of challenge and support to the schools leaders, understanding the strengths and areas for improvement at the school;
- understand the impact of teaching, learning and assessment on the progress of pupils currently in the school;
- ensure that the school manages its finances effectively and that the school is properly using the pupil premium and primary PE and sport premium;
- be transparent and accountable, including in recruiting staff, its governance structure, attendance at meetings and contact with parents.
Governors are volunteers who bring their outside experience into school to act as 'critical friends'.
Our Governors
Ms J Abbott - Interim Head Teacher
Emily Prewer - Staff Governor
Mark Winch - Chair
Tom Futter - Co-opted governor/Vice-chair
Clare Bulgarelli - Co-opted governor
Robert Envine - Parent governor
People want to become governors for a range of reasons. Some are parents, some are staff members, and some are people from the local community who have no direct connection to Longfields Primary School and Nursery. Often people want to give something back to society.
Being a school governor can help you in your career. These range from learning valuable management skills, through to developing strategic development plans and managing finances.
We are all passionate about improving the education.
The route to governance is designed to be low key, relatively informal and unintimidating.
So if you'd like to find out:
- what governors do
- how we work
- what skills and experiences you could bring
- how to apply
Please also feel free to contact the Chair of Governors via chairofgovernors@longfields-primary.org to discuss the role.